Quote Originally Posted by Vindictus View Post
So... there I was, in my new lady's house... drunk, drained, exhausted - cooking one of my specialities for a post-coital feast.
I don't even know what the conversation was about... when -
She turned, looked me in the eyes and asked: "SO, Vindictus, have you ever paid for sex?"
Cue: me rummaging around what remains inside my skull, and eventually saying: "No."

And I did so WITHOUT telling a fib.

Because, as far as I'm concerned, all I've ever paid for is time and companionship.
It's alwasy a bummer when asked that question! It's that split second of hesistancy in one's reply that makes it sound less convincing! Unless of course you're Bill Clinton who can look the Nation in the eye, palms open (apparently a sure fire way of telling that someone is telling the truth) and say "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" (Because technically all he did was stick a cigar up her fanny and come all over her dress!) My hero!