Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
Bin Laden's exteded family was flown out of country right after 9/11, while there was still a 'no fly order' in effect. Theirs was the

only plane allowed to fly in US airspace.. When it came to light, and uproar ensued, the explanation was that they were flown out

so as to prevent a lynching...

As to Twin Towers being sabotaged by Bush and cronies?? I wouldn't put it past them, but... Well, refer to Doozer's onliner re Bush

to begin with.. and also take into consideration that in '93 Al Queda already attempted to bring down Tower 1. I believe they just

figured out a better way to do it by 9/11.

I also heard that supposedly on day of attack all Jews were told to stay home... Any takers on that one?
There have been so many conspiracy theories about 9/11 that its hard to keep up with them all.It was the same with the JFK assassination Princess Dianas death the Oklahoma bombing to name just a few others.In my opinion a lot of people just come up with these theories to get attention or make money or whatever.