Quote Originally Posted by bored housewife View Post
First of all the presumption here is that all women rely on a man for their income and, ergo will put up living with a Shrek look-a-like. There are plenty of independently wealthy women out there not desperate enough to settle for a guy who prefers the chipper to a salad.
Most women here are working women and therefore part of their job is to flatter a man regardless of the truth. Thats the saddest part, the illusion to the man that they are desirable when in truth they are not. What is nice is when a couple can go old gracefully, when looks seem unimportant or at least that that person is desirable to the other. If men feel like they are young and attractive just because they pay a 20 to say so then that hardly induces jealousy.
I'm in my mid-30s and I feel like I am only coming into my prime now.
It's advertisers and the Media who go on about women ageing; as you said women no longer rely on men for their survival, outside of this business, so women nowadays have a healthy attitude about ageing yes, there's still a few, but mostly it's younger women who have bought into the whole thing about being objectified by men; usually the only people who say something about my age are younger, envious women or older, still haven't burned that bra, type of women.