Quote Originally Posted by deleteduser

I have just visited Sofi and she does not know HOW to post a comment back in response to a review that she might dispute. Her English is strained so if I can pass on or help in any way in the communication, please do not hesitate to pm me.

I wonder is this the same for other girls. Can the website be translated into Spanish for example? Just another suggestion.... (sowwy!)

She can email or private message any responses to reviews to us and we will put them up. This is probably the easiest way, but if she doesn't have email, she can telephone us and give us a response over the phone. I conceed perhaps we should try to make it easier for girls to respond to reviews and that might help. About translating E-I into other languages... We have looked into this a little and found it wouldn't be practical to try to translate the whole site. We are currently trying to get our escort advert applications translated into a few other languages though, as we feel this may help... After all, it is no wonder ladies don't provide correct info, if they don't understand the questions! If anyone hear can speak English and another language perfectly, perhaps you might PM me, as maybe we could work something out. We already have a native Polish and a native Czech girl on staff here, but we could use a native Dutch / German / Spanish / Portuguese and other languages speaker to help us translate forms for those countries.