Quote Originally Posted by sperminater View Post
A very weird thing happened to me last night I'm off the fags over a week now but last night I sat up watching tv on my own went to the fridge got a nice cold beer and said face I'm going outside for a smoke. Anyway I pulled up a deck chair it was a beautiful clear night and the moon was bright when all of a sudden an eclyps happened wow absolutely class. I became all emotional "a moment of clarity" now nothing religious or shit like that just wierd I started to think to myself WTF am I doing with my life? I thaught about my favourite girl kamilla who has been here for weeks now and is leaving on Monday haven't seen her since last Friday I'm going to see her at least twice before she goes but I'll miss her like mad when she's gone now I'm not talking love just great friendship I know I'll see other but when you click you click, so I say to my self WTF this is not in the rules but I need to clear my head and cut down on my punting not the boards. But seriously to you ever feel like this? Effn wierd experience.
no. you're on your own there, mate.