This may very well have been brought up elsewhere in the boards, but just in case it hasn't, I am interested to hear from escorts why some would feel there is a need to put in a false nationality on their profiles? I can understand age discrepancies, confusion over height in feet and inches when you are used to dealing with metres and bust size, but why bother putting up a false nationality? Especially when pictures with face are shown, what could someone possibly benefit from?

Do punters really restrict their selection to a certain nationality only?

Do they shy away from certain nationalities?

Given that Ireland has become significantly more open to experiencing regular exposure to other European nationalities over the last 10 years, I think we are more aware of what a German accent sounds like or a Spanish or Italian accent. In my mind, it seems that the main ones who change their nationality in their profiles are ladies from Eastern European states. But these are the very girls that most Irish men seem to find the most attractive, so why hide it?

Just some thoughts really!