I understand that some ladies may hope that putting up a different nationality will help them with anonymity etc., but why then include a factual photo?

I guess this topic came to my mind after my last appointment and last phone call. Last appointment claimed to be Spanish but very clearly wasn't. By way of initial small talk, I asked her where in Spain she came from and she said Madrid. The 'da' and Russian-esque language on the phone to her friend led me to believe otherwise. Last call was to a German girl who's accent quite simply was not German.

Personally, I have absolutely no favourite nationality (barr a certain soft /hard spot for Irish girls:-)) and I would certainly never avoid any nationality automatically. Although, I have to admit that I agree with some of the other replies, that certain nationalities seem to be more prone to trafficking, whether factually or not. How any trafficking element works in Ireland is beyond me though, as I cannot imagine anyone Irish managing to get any form of pleasure from someone who quite clearly didn't want to be there. Maybe it's the company I keep.

This is getting off topic and slightly depressing! Apologies :-) was just interested in the nationality thing!