I was recently asked why im always happy. Well to correct that not always but pretty close to always.

What a stupid thing to ask someone. Did you ever actually take notice of how much misery is in the world right now.Despite the fact that people have more than the past,they are more miserable than ever.Why? Simple.

Most people do two things that will only frustrate the shit out of them.

Number 1 they use material wealth as a guide to happiness. The problem with this is twofold. Firstly they acheive a short happiness when the actaully acheive their new car or whatever but soon this is taken for granted and they need to acumulate more material wealth to be more happy. This is bollox.Happiness is a state of mind and nothing more. If it was not then the wealthiest people would be the happiest and Christ i know some very miserable and unhappy wealthy people.Consequently i know people who just have the basics and christ they are happy. you choose to be happy and practice it regularly.youd be amazed at the positive effect that this will have on your self esteem.

Number 2 is peer pressure. most people live their lives the way others want them to live it. This is great but do you know many people that will have no probs with you passing them out?? If there is a fine Sweetie over there and your both single ,is your buddy going to introduce you to her? The hell he will. You may say what about our loved ones ,our parents.Well what about them?? Big deal.If your old fella likes golf and you dont then you have to play it to please him?? Bollox.

Here is a little tip. Sometimes the journey is the fun part. Most people fuck up the end result because they dont relax and enjoy the journey. Relax ,have fun and enjoy the journey.Life is meant to be lived not just thought about.

This brings me to a huge thing that will have an enourmous effect on your self confidence and spill over into every area of your life. This will be a big thing if you read carefully what im saying and follow it and understand it. Most people think their thoughts are reality. They are not.they are real thoughts but are not reality.If your thinking about that bird last night then thats a real thought but not reality. this causes huge problems for alot of people. They end up conditioned and live from thoughts instead of reality. Lets say you see a nice person of the opposite sex.You would love to go out with them. In come the thoughts, im nervous, what if i say something wrong, what if they reject me, what if i get a date and it goes wrong. See the damage being done here? your crucifying yourself before you even know it. Its like this, if you live from live you might get there, if you live from thoughts youll never get there and not only that but youll be unhappy as well.

The great thing about stepping out of thoughts is that stress is lowered to low levels, you no longer question if your good enough for something or not. Im not saying drive at a cliff at 100mph and enjoy the moment but i am saying stop sabotaging yourselves before you even start something.

Live in the moment ,take the batteries out of your clocks,

PS got all that??