Quote Originally Posted by ksteve View Post
One of the things I have learnt about myself from this 'hobby' is that I have been turned on during bookings by ladies that I might normally not consider as physically attractive as other 'stunners'. I can really fancy a particular woman but even so, for whatever reason, I wont be as turned on as much as I might have expected. Is that the ' click ' factor or is it something else ?

On reflection, I think the main reason is where I sense an absence of any 'distance' or any sort of barrier between me and the lady concerned. Its when everything is just easy for some reason. Do others feel like this ? What factors make the difference for you ? I put this qusetion to both escorts and guys, as no doubt it applies both ways.
Good question, for me it is an attitude thing, pysically I don't one particular type, but if the escort has a genuine smile and makes me feel at ease then generally I can connect, being more mature (in age at least) I don't expect the escort to find me drop dead gorgeous so maybe my "click" factor doesn't come with the same expectations, if you get my meaning.