Quote Originally Posted by itstimenow View Post
i disagree with them becoming a dying breed,to become a dying breed mostly means that they are no longer wanted or needed,this is untrue.the money is the problem and that is clients just dont have it now.casinos are noticing it also,people just dont av the same funds as before also it seems that the average person has to work even harder now 4 less money then before maybe resulting in a person thinking twice about parting with his hard earned cash. some people work 8hours a day and onley earn 80euro
so im guessing when a man comes home from work and sits down and looks at how hard he has worked for that 80euro and still doesnt have enough to visit an escort then he starts to value his money to the point wer he just cant afford to part with it so easily,i do believe though that the in between guy is making more money then he should be from escorts.the guy that supplies the girls with a place in my opinion is taking to much because the price of renting has gone down a bit so im guessing he is paying less now 4 the apartment he is renting to the girls.there isnt anything really you can do about this as he knows you all need him more then he needs you.ireland is in a very messed up place right now and the government are squeezing us all with higher prices 4 heating.electricity and fuel 4 cars,,that ontop of lower wages and higher taxes really puts the average client under alot of preasure,the problem is an escort in a treat to us,,like a cream cake or something and we see them for enjoyment,we dont see escorts because we need to or have to its because we want to but now we just cant afford to. we want the cream cake but we need the loaf of bread.i believe though that some escorts can also survive this by becoming more careful with her spendings,im not going to say lower prices but in terms of spending yourselves i think der is room 4 improvement.i went shopping with an escort once and my god was her bill high and on very little .i advised her the next time to be more careful and shop in bulks and have a spending budget and dont go past it.she agreed and even noticed the difference next time.maybe its just time 4 escorts also to watch der money a bit better..
Natural blonds are also a dying breed, apparently by 2020 blond hair will only come from a bottle (good thing I am ahead times, hehe).

That doesn't mean we don't love or need blonde ladies. But the nature says otherwise ...

The same is here in escorting. We do need independents but if there is not a proper environment for them ... there will be in danger of extinction !