Quote Originally Posted by john connor View Post
just wondering is it just me.
have found recently that i am visiting girls even when i am not that particulary horny.
i am even a little removed from what i am doing. this seems a little odd to me. not sure if i am trying to flag up my sex drive or not willing to accept that my desires are failing a little bit.
up to now my sex drive almost defined me in that it occupied a large part of my thinking now it seems my head and body are not in sync. my ability to have sex is pretty much the same its just like something is different and i don't know what.
just curious if any others find themselves going through the motions even with girls that should be blowing their minds. this is seriously scaring me as its seems sex is not the spark to me it once was. is this some sort of male menopause i am only 37 ffs.
One question is, how far in advance are you booking? My schedule usually requires me to book in advance. Sometimes when the time comes I find I am not feeling very horny. I still go, as it would be unfair to book and then not show up. Sometimes the feeling returns when the appointment starts, and sometimes it doesn't.