Quote Originally Posted by BACMAN36 View Post
Speaking as a fellow glove lover, for me the material is the most important thing. Leather is my absolute fav, although I quite like the medical rubber gloves - worn by a pretty lady, plenty of lube and you have the makings of a brill HJ.

Satin, lace etc do nothing for me. Neither do marigolds - very unsexy. Leather, especially black but red is nice also, any length from opera gloves right down to ordinary gloves as you call them. When talking about short gloves there is nothing sexier than a lady wearing tight fitting, short black leather driving gloves.

Like you said - Keep it Kinky!
Marigolds - lol! Brilliant

Okay, come on: there has to be at least one of us who is turned on by marigolds? C'mon guys - own up. Nobody will judge you (okay, we will but you know times are hard & we need a laugh).

Seriously though: they must have all sorts of associations (without wishing to get into the whole maternal thing). They have a distinctive smell inside (especially when warm, e.g., after washing dishes in hot water).

Ladies: surely some guy, at some time, turned up on your doorstep for an appointment with a pack of these beauties?

>>> Oh dear! Marigolds for the seriously kinky <<<

Now c'mon, you got to admit that's a little bit sexy, yeah? Am I alone here or what?