Quote Originally Posted by madbarry29 View Post
I have read through the reasons on EI why they allow escorts to not recieve reviews. I have to agree with most of it but, I left a review for a girl the other day and now she has turned off her reviews. This i feel is very misleading and EI should change this.

Escort Sexy Katia......WHAT A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY. She gets you in and out and friends shouting in the appartment. It is her in the pictures but as i said again WHAT A WASTE OF TIME AND HARD EARNED MONEY.

Just feel that everyone should know.....

Well, it speaks volumes really, doesn't it. We won't get into another debate about this. Everything was said in the other thread you are referring to, and escorts have a right to opt out if they wish to. This should be in the Warning Secition, not General Chat by the way, so this is being moved.