Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
Of course I mentioned Escorts, I recommended Ebony Amber to him....ffs..

No ...I didn’t mention Escorts, and I described my failings exactly as I have here, but replacing ESCORT with WIFE.

Physically there is nothing wrong with me? Ok if I visit an escort without taking a drug I WILL get an erection but may find it losing interest after some time. Now this depends on the girl, my mood and physical well being. Pop a pill and I can go for round #2. Where would you put your money...lol
Thats what I am saying
Your doc probably shouldnt have prescribed it to you if its not an ongoing problem
Just another case of a doctor presribing for a problem when there probably is no need to. Dont mean to soudn harsh here, Im know ut worked out well for you which is good but in general it seems like bad practice