Quote Originally Posted by ChiefHandker View Post
Went to a shop in Dublin city centre there, bought a sandwich and few other things, no cash on me so i paid with the card. The guy at the till asks if i want cash-back and since i was planning on having a few pints watching the match tonight i said Yeah can i have 50E. Key in the code, wait a minute, gather up all my stuff, he hands me my receipt and off i go on my merry way. Im a few minutes up the road when i realise he hadn't given me the 50, he hadn't even taken it out of the register.. so i race back there, go up to the same guy and explain what happened and showed him the receipt. The guy barely gave me the time of day! i thought he was joking at first but no, he insisted there was nothing he could do.
Fair enough it was stupid of me to leave without it, but i was back less than 5 minutes later. There was nothing i could do so i told him he was a gentleman and left 50 euro out of pocket.. Not happy
I remember being short changed £30 (yes pounds) before but when I pointed it out, it was sorted.