Quote Originally Posted by samlad View Post
It seems the majority don't actually want a TR status. Some people argued that only escorts should have been allowed to vote. I disagreed, however if that would have been the case, the same result would have been so. In fact, it's surprising to see that most escorts on the boards do not want the TR status full stop.

As to your comment, "is anything going to be done about the opinions expressed?", I'm assuming you mean that after the feedback, you think we should reinvent the system rather than scrap it completely? At this point, the answer is no, because the poll was to gauge whether or not the majority of people wanted a TR system in place full stop. It was a clear yes/no poll, no room for ambiguity.
Thanks for the response, but your assumption is wrong - my apologies if I expressed myself poorly.

The question was "should it be scrapped" - the majority vote was "yes it should be scrapped" so all I wanted to know was whether it was going to be scrapped. The "opinions" to which I referred were the "Yes/No" opinions of the voters, not the "i think we should do x, y, z" opinions.