I've lost count of the number of times I've nearly hit someone/been hit at roundabouts simply because people do not understand which lane they're supposed to be in for their desired exit! Nothing drives me as crazy (actually think psychotic would be a better word but anyway...) as a complete gobshite who uses the wrong lane at a roundabout. And they think they are actually right! Are they actually on stupid pills or were they just taught by idiots? FFS it ain't rocket science, it's just a freakin' roundabout. A circle. And people can't even get that much right...

I remember driving home from Cork a few years back, coming into Buttevant with fairly tight traffic. Was on the curve with the school opposite, just about to enter onto the main street when out of nowhere some old geezer overtakes me on the curve and slips in front of me. Definitely doing more than 70km. He nearly hit the car in front of me... Anyone have any tales of traffic trauma/roundabout mayhem?