Quote Originally Posted by gerryatrix View Post

Then there are those punters who go for 3 hours or more, well that is just showing off and a vulgar display of wealth and they deserve what they get.
Quote Originally Posted by mark444 View Post
When I started visiting back in November, I started with a few 30min appointments,
and soon realises that I enjoyed and perhaps felt more fulfilled with the longer sessions.

My reason and desires for visiting escorts have probably evolved during this time.


I would like to take issue with your comment regarding the view that a long booking is a "vulgar display of wealth"!

Personally, I find it vulgar that we have guys constantly banging on about the 15 minute quickie and still bitching that 50 or 60 euro is too much. I find it distasteful, but I do not go preaching about it.

Know why? Because this is a hobby just like any other. The problem is that we have gentlemen that really understand what this is all about and then the average guy who just wants a quick fix. Just like wine...when you go to buy wine, there is a range from as low as a few euro up to hundreds of euro for a bottle. If you want the 220 euro bottle of Chateau Palmer, then you pay that price. Going to the store manager to bitch about the price will get you nowhere. The finer things in life are expensive.

I spent 5 hours with Irish Ciara yesterday afternoon. I did so because I wanted to spend a long time with an amazing lady and to come away feeling wonderful about my experience. It was exactly what I wanted and needed. Are you going to say that it was a "vulgar display of wealth"? I am now going to book an overnighter with Irish Ciara. Does that make it obscene to you?

With those serious about the hobby, as mark444 succinctly says, we often start out with shorter appointments and quickly learn that they are not as fulfilling as we would like them to be; hence we go for longer appointments. If I wanted the quick fix, I would stick with the half hour appointments and shag every escort that was in town. BUT, I do not want to just shag for the sake of shagging. I am looking for the whole experience. Only those truly serious about this hobby are going to understand what I mean.

What I do is my business. Where and how I spend my euros is entirely my decision. Just like the rate that an escort charges and what she will do is entirely her decision.

Rant over and peace to all!
