Quote Originally Posted by EbonyAmber View Post
In regards to that thread the minute I was met with resistance and a negative reaction I desisted in my point and wimpered a sweet but sarcastic Welcome. Not because I was trying to kiss ass- I honestly don't give a fig about whether or not I'm flavour of the month on the boards but because I didn't want it to be perceived as jealously. Something I have already been accused of here. The day I am donating free appointments to a quiz winner is the day I'm hanging up my stockings for good.

It is a damn shame we didn't get this out there a lot sooner as safety has been put at risk and trust abused. However what will be important now is what happens next. If shit like this keeps happening I know I will for one will be a lot less eager to share information be it of a warning kind or accomodation advice or whatever. And in the current situation us as the escorts need t ostick together more than ever.
Amber, if you see something again you have my express permission to post PPPIIIIMMMMPPPPP.

So there. I am the least jealous person I know. I never suffer fools though, and nor should you.