I've been out and about in the field when it comes to Irish women. Though I haven't been able to see every single one of them during my randy teenage and early twenties years, I've seen enough to form an opinion or two based on my experience.

There's one opinion I've got that I've never been able to explain or come to terms with. It concerns Irish womens grooming habits in the nether regions.

Now I don't want to contaminate my own survey by giving my opinion at the start, I want to hear unbiased opinions etc. from other men (or women even better !) who've played the field a bit and know what they're talking about. This would also help prevent someone jumping on the thread and branding it a bunch of generalised, unfounded and unreliable crap because it's based on factual findings and experience of posters on this site.

So. The survey question is - do Irish women groom ?

That's it. It's that simple. And by groom I mean trim, shave, wax, shape, whatever. I guess is includes everything but natural. I want to hear what your experience has been. Feel free to elaborate all you want .... but mainly I'm interested in a yes/no type answer.

So off you go, let me hear it.