Quote Originally Posted by Jasmin View Post
I know this are not your words, I have heard that a lot and don't agree at all.
Nobody buys me. As an independent escort I provide companionship but nobody is my owner . And if for some reason I am not comfortable seen someone, I just don't.
Of course it can be long discussed, maybe not everyone in this industry is in a position to select their clients.

I had jobs before in very male environments when I had to stand up for myself and MAKE them to respect me. I wasn't an escort but I wasn't respected because guys there were thinking that they were better than me because I am a woman which I never tolerated and never will, if some men don't respect escorts I know from experience that in other fields the same happens.
Hi Jasmin,

I think you are right. An independent escort decides herself who she is going to see and when. I cannot buy sex from this type of escort unless she decides so.Inequality never cosses my mind when booking an escort -- quite the contrary.!