Quote Originally Posted by Banjo View Post
This website spoils us men. We can look, lift the phone, dial a number and meet what we fancy. I for one think it's fantastic. It's like an adult version of being in the a sweet shop, only with nobody to tell you "no, you can't have that".

My question is, has anyone else become so acustomed to the ease with which we can meet the lovely ladies that it seems frustrating when we cannot do the same with girls we meet in everyday life ? Like colleagues for example. I'm lucky enough to work in an office where the majority of staff are female, young, pretty, good looking and damn sexy. In fact I think there's a competitiveness among them over who can look the hottest and attract the most attention .... how fantastic is that ?? For me and the rest of the minority male population in my office like !

Anyway back to my point. I can't just look at one of my office colleagues and choose to have sex with her. And like I was saying about the sweet shop, when you're so in the habit of having what you want it becomes a real pisser when you've got to behave yourself out in the real world.

Anyone identify with that ?
I get what you're saying Banjo. I can completely relate to it. I knew I was going to be in trouble the first day that I visited an escort. So I have no one else to blame but myself.

Visiting escorts is easy, uncomplicated and and for the most extremely satisfying. Trying to attract or seduce a woman in real life is way harder and in my case universally unsucessful. So i have become spoiled and don't both with the real world anymore.

Should I ever venture back into the whole dating scene, I have no doubt that I will find it very hard, and will probably lack the patience to persevere.