I guess not many pay that much attention to pm's but will answer their phone 99% of the time.
Less time consuming I suppose.[/QUOTE]

I am never able to answer all my calls, not even half of them.
How can I or anybody else for that matter ?

When I am with a client, I won't pick up the phone for obvious reason. During the day, of course I also need to eat, shower, buy food, relax etc ...

I swear, if I can have a secretary, things would be so much easier. Most phone calls are annoying and stressful. Half the time I'm asked things that can be read on my profile. Add to that the hagglers, the rude people, the pervy calls and I have days I am sick of my phone before even arranging an appointment.

For me, the best way to receive a booking would be by PM. But Murphy's laws are working fine in this regard, because I hardly ever get PM bookings. Even when I do, most of them don't go anywhere.