Quote Originally Posted by Banjo View Post
Are you for real Doozer ?? This site has been scraping it's arse along the ground for weeks on end by now and you're telling us a meeting is taking place - today ???????? Has no meeting take place until now ???

I'm only a punter and am least justified in moaning, but even though it's not costing me a cent even I'm well pissed off. And to those whose livelihoods depend on being able to advertise on this site, the best you can offer is the comfort of knowing a meeting is taking place about it today ?? I mean, does that sound reasonable to you ?

Doozer, I know this isn't your doing and it's up to others to put whatever hard fix is required in place here. I wouldn't even expect you to reply to my note but if you should see Pat on the stairs perhaps you could pass on the message that there'll be no E-I soon enough if this shit isn't sorted. Those who pay the fees won't put up with this forever and certainly if I were one of them I'd have gone exploring my alternative options long before today's all powerful meeting was to take place.

This thread was meant to be jovial .....