Quote Originally Posted by bedridden View Post
A general campaign like this is unlikely to make much progress.
If 1000 people 'Like' the Facebook campaign, the general public will interpret that as 1000 degenerates out to abuse sex workers, including those trafficed (sic).
Any campaign driven by clients just wont be credible in the eyes of the public.
The only way for this to work is for escorts to stand up for themselves and put forward their case that it is possible to have consenting sex for money.
The best approach might be for escorts, or representatives, to negotiate with the anti-sex work campaign groups to make the proposed laws compatible with the work of genuine escorts.
I agree with you bedridden. But the problem is that there are very few escorts that use the boards. The majority just advertise and are not an organised group. Many escorts i've met are not familiar with the proposed legislation. The reality is that the most of the escorts would just move on to another country. The biggest losers would be us the clients.

I suggest we fight this on the grounds that criminalizing clients will just send the industry underground and increase trafficking.

And at the same time we can support encourage escorts to do what you've suggested. The problem is that they may not be able to use E-I as a valid platform as E-I benefits financially from their advertising. And this to my knowlegde may also be illegal if the proposed bill is passed.

My only consolation in all this is that the Gardai may be too busy with all their cutbacks to enact this vigorously. However, that won't stop them from making some public arrests when the bill first comes out to make a show that they are doing something.