While I may have points in opinion to legalising or non criminalisation of clients i'm sure they've already been put on this thread already far more eloquently than I could. Thusly I shall try keep this succint.

As for myself if it were criminalised then it's possible I would stop using escorts but most likely I'd just become more sporadic in my usage. Without the safety of at least some organisation such as ei to give me any warnings of who i would be picking up, their affiliations (if any) with organised crime, girls with known, possibly dangerous veneral diseases. By criminalising the modicum of regulations that have arisen, through the goodwill and work or regulators and moderators on ei, you are effectively handing the industry to illegal organisation. An industry, by the by, which is as old as civilisation.

As for the safety of the women/male sex workers? I can only surmise to this but would not a place where escorts can indulge in herd safety be a good thing. Where they can congregate freely without judgement or prejudice and discuss the dangers.( I believe the escorts do indeed have private forums where they discuss time wasters/dangerous or threatening clients and possible doctors/ money management etc etc et al. To drive this underground is to effectively disband it.
It's like....I used work as a security guard in a retail chain when younger. Now we had walky talkys to other guards for the same company in my town which we used to call for help if needed or ask for advice if suspicious of certain individuals. Also there was certain characters who travelled shop to shop with the sole purpose of shop lifting. If one person who was aware of them saw these 'characters' they called and warned everyone in the company in different shops. Even those in rival companies. What you essentially propose is to take away the walky talkies and yet you don't see any downside?
Maybe not so succint