Quote Originally Posted by corkpunter View Post
To me it is just a made up day done to rip you off for more money. If you have to have a specific day to be romantic to your other half or to that someone special to you, then you should probably ask yourself some questions. Every day is as good a day to be romantic as the next one, no need to limit it to one specific day each year, where you basically have to pay much more for the same thing.
U are 100% correct, i guess i heard it all today on the radio when i heard Lidl advertising bunches of roses, if it is economically
viable for them to pay for a radio campagin to advertise roses for one day of the year there must be some amount of money
turned on them. Just think for a minute its the ordinary muggins are paying for this, and its just a brilliant commercial idea to
rip off ordinary people into buying more sensless stuff they dont need or most likely cant afford