Quote Originally Posted by ThomasJ View Post
Decided to lose weight so I joined a gym.

I weighed in at 96Kg and my target weight is 90Kg so as an incentive I decided to forgo the pleasure of the ladies on EI till I had reached my target weight.

I have been working hard and going to the gym 5 times a week, I also play sport twice a week but progress has been slow.

On the plus side I feel great, sleeping better than ever and high energy levels.

The weight is slowly coming off but not as quickly as I had hoped - at this rate it will be April before I get to see anyone.

I don't want to diet to lose the weight, I already watch what I eat and I don't drink that often so any tips?

Well done Tom. I've yet to get back to the gym since the start of the year. Fair play with regards to motivating yourself to lose weight - by not seeing escorts until you reach your target weight. Thats some incentive!!!

Scotus hit the losing weight thing spot on - you've got to burn more cals that you consume. Realistically - exercise has to be combined with some sort of diet. Instead of eating funny fancy diet food, why don't you just half your carbs. For example - if you have two helpings of mash normally, just cut it back to one. Oh..and avoid carbonated drinks like a plaque (e.g. coke, lucozade, etc..).