Quote Originally Posted by sharkskin View Post
The real culprit here seems to have got off without any criticism.

We are talking about a large party of students. Surely this was some kind of organised group?

With, just perhaps, an organiser.

Had the students each gone on line and booked their own tickets themselves or had the person organising the trip done that? It seems likely to me that nobody had bothered to explain the rules to the students.
students tend yo be young, idealistic and stupid!!! they will generally go along with anything to get a laugh out of it, I live near a university and if you saw the way they carry on you'd want the whole lot of the euthanized, drunk at 3pm, littering everywhere, hurling abuse at people for no reason, pissing in peoples gardens or in the middle of the street, shitting on peoples cars, dancing on peoples cars, 24hr parties, sex in public - in view of kids!!! i could go on and on and on!!!!!!
young people have it too easy nowadays, a recession was needed to give them a taste of real life but unfortunately that hasn't worked either, i don't know where they get the money but they are out drinking at least 3-4 nights a week.