Boys & girls, you will remember the original post by Anna that provoked such a reaction in me and one or two others.I decided to look up as much as I could about Anna (something I should have done before I said some regrettable things).Every single review was better than the one before.As they say seeing is believing .I must conclude that she is a beautiful person all these guys can't be wrong.However, something I got from all this extends far beyond the physical pleasure that Anna has to offer.These guys look back at very pleasurable experiences yes,but they are limited by the boundaries of the time they spent with her.I on the other hand am not restricted by these boundaries.After all, how did a girl I have never met ( and probably best now that I never do ) and whose pictures are but a mystic sillouette of something highly desirable but definitly unattainable in my world provoke such feelings in me that more important issues in my fail to do.I have searched deep within myself and found some answers which I never would have if Anna had not written her original post.Of all the reviews written about Anna one word stands out above all others where one reviewer described her as a little " wacky ". Well Anna stay wacky and I'll keep searchin' for what it is a wacky girl whom I never met did for me. Cheers Dam