Quote Originally Posted by aliciasexy View Post
The case against Alicia

Iīam sorry my darling but i didenīt write rewievs for myself never.
I donīt know haw to do that,and i donīt need to do that.
I think that i am a good looking young girl,and alot of punters was very happy with me,and they put rewiev for me.
I am really sorry but you are 100% rong.
You are the only person who said for me to donīt come back.
I donīt know you and you donīt know me and your accusations are absurd anyway.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for responding. Yes, you are a good looking young girl, and I'm sure a lot of punters were very happy with you, and some of them may have written positive reviews. It's possible that I am wrong and that this is all a coincidence, but that seems very unlikely. In any case, the evidence is there and other people can judge for themselves. You are right that we don't know each other, either in person or online. Have a good time in Hawaai.