I dunno, I think our society is becoming too politically correct. No one can actually say what they mean anymore.

Case above is inexcusable given its was undertaken by professional commentators against a match official. But if they had criticised a male match official for not knowing what the offside rule was....would there be the same uproar?

I have had many a laugh and slagging match with female friends about them not understanding the offside rule and me not undertanding colour coordination or whatever. All in good humour without the spectre of'sexism' hanging over every conversation.

(Incidentally women not understanding the off side rule purely has to due with lack of interest in football. Any girl who's really into football will understand all the nuances of the game).

I never liked Andy Gray anyway, but do think the media and society have to lighten up a bit.

(Now I'm going to head down to my bunker and stay there until the nuclear war is over).