It seems that no escorts are going to post, which is perhaps not surprising. There are a few cases where I know the answer, and some others where I can guess, so I'll give my thoughts. These are based on a small sample, so they might not be representative.

I think most ladies (or gentlemen, although I haven't talked to them) go into this to get money fast. The reasons might be different: student loans, messy divorce, addiction, children with medical problems, whatever. But the initial attraction is usually the possibility of fast money with very little initial investment.

What keeps them in the business is often something else. For example, being one's own boss. Or not needing to be in the office at 9am. Or being able to schedule work around the needs of young children. Or, in some but not all cases, enjoying the work.

There's something else which I think often plays a role, even if sometimes the ladies themselves aren't aware of it. Many have, or had, problems with self-esteem. Seeing guys willing to pay €200-250/hr to spend time with them can reassure them that they are desirable. It doesn't help everyone, and it would be better if their self-image was based on something else, but it's better than nothing.

A response from escorts would be better, but I hope this helps.