Quote Originally Posted by vampirejackie View Post
Its so true, you have to WANT to give up truely. Ive had this argument so many times with peeps and my doc. I dont want to give up, so any attempts would be futile.
There are so many pressures out there to give up but FFS how much money would the governments lose in the tax on tobacco. They may go on about us to do this for health etc, but if we all did, bollocks the governments would be screwed.

I enjoy a smoke, whether its right or wrong, i dont drink very often.

You never hear all this crap on drinkers giving up , or gamblers, etc.

Just do what you want to do, as long as your not harming others.

Gonna get off my soap box now... lol

BTW Doozer, Will be sending Nicole over to Ireland to spank you, bad Mod, not sticking to your new years resolution! You wont like her when shes angry! lol
Yes someone who thinks like I do about smoking. Nice one.