Quote Originally Posted by ciara View Post
ok maybe due to my boredom this evening or my lack of knowing when to keep my mouth shut but heres what im going to say...

iv noticed some of my very favourite customers leaving bad reviews lately , and the escorts writing back saying it was due to hygeine issues!!!

now i know from experience as im sure every escort does how dreadfull it is when someones hygiene is bad

but in these cases these specific men have inpecible hygiene, yes i know not everyone cant get on with everyone but for an escort to write back the clients hygiene was the problem when it wasnt is out of order

i may be wrong , maybe everytime the client came to me he was very clean and the one time he sees this girl he isnt :S but sounds unlikely and out of character of the men i have such high opinions of !!!!!!!!!!

ok time for me to shut up now lol
Maybe it's the standard you set, Ciara and clients make sure to be ultra hygienic for you.

Of course, bad hygiene is an excuse that some escorts have used for not performing as intimately as they might normally.
I'm sure clients have done the same when they didn't click with the escort.
Good for you to stand up for your clients