The age of consent should be lower, it should be the age that teenagers are having sex at, it should not be illegal for two ppl the same age or close to it to have sex, what ever the age there should resemble reality, I mean kids are having sex younger and younger, did you know if 2 15year olds have consensual sex the boy can still be prosecuted for statutory rape and not the girl? That's just wrong!
I don't agree with people having sex so young but the law has to resemble reality, that said I think the best thing is for there to be various ages of consent let's say 13-15 and 15-17 what I mean is two 13s can have sex or a 13+15 but not a 17+13.

My friends and I all lost our virginity at the ages of 13-16, which was and is illegal, that was 15 years ago young ppl now are at it even younger, channel 4 did a documentary in which 11+ were having sex.

Don't agree with it myself but it is reality and the law should really reflect it, but in a common sense way

Just my thoughts