Quote Originally Posted by Bodkin View Post
Hi All,

I'm sure this one has been discussed in the past but I was reading the post about directions & it got onto foreign escorts & accents etc. That got me thinking ...

I love different accents, they fascinate me. They are like music - I could listen to any kind of banal chat from the right accent.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who finds them an interesting facet of meetings with escorts. I'm wondering if anyone looks for this specifically or whether any of the ladies working here get many comments or compliments on their accent or speech, or whether they are aware of how they may be raising goosebumps with the things they say?

For me east European (Russian best of all) is the ultimate, there's something so sexy about it: I think I watched too many cold war spy movies at an impressionable age ... Barbara Carrera in ankle strap stilettos - mmm ... ahem, but I digress, I'm showing my age now, not to mention breaching my new year's resolution: one fetish at a time

So who likes what & have you ever gone (back) to see a particular lady because you just couldn't get enough of the way she spoke? I'm guessing I'm one of the few who takes it that far but there are some ladies whose time I would gladly pay for just to hear them speak.

The other side of the question for accent fans is have you ever been disappointed when you get a lady on the phone to find she doesn't have the voice you had hoped for (based on her stated Nationality etc) & if so did it put you off seeing her?

Happy new year to one & all,
A refined English accent for me.