Quote Originally Posted by Mature Jackie View Post
I feel I must respond to the so-called review of Eva. She has been given a negative review because she didn't answer her phone or repy to texts.

1) Did it not occur to the reviewer that she was unable to answer her phone as she had appointments with clients? Why didn't he leave a voicemail for her to ring him back?

2) Very few escorts reply to text messages, they don't even bother to read them.

There has been a bit of moan on here about escorts being able to opt out of the review system, if they are going to get cheap shots like this thrown at them, I'm not suprised they would want to do so.

Jackie xxxx wwwjackie.69d.uk.com
I had a think about this... and I have to call bullshit on this one. If I call her and she doesn't pick up, there is no way I am leaving a voice mail. That's just asking for trouble as far as I am concerned.

If I call and there is no answer, and then send a text... the text should be replied to. Something like, "busy now, callback at 3PM."

The fact is many of these girls are next to impossible to get ahold of because they are always busy. Fair dues to them, but they should make an effort to text back the punter but only when he first sends a text.

Some of these girls can make getting a hold of them next to impossible and it's a frustrating experience.

Also, lads, an obvious measure.... you should not be punting from a phone that you are afraid your wife or girlfriend may have access to.