This is completely off topic but this post reads as if you have just spent a long time talking to non native english speakers:

'why do not more clients review'

'so why not more reviews'

Just a thought, I have never been in Belfast so can not add to the topic in a more useful way.

Quote Originally Posted by mark444 View Post
I know there are more than just a few of us in Belfast who visit escorts but very few review.

I am aware of this due to the few occasions (I am glad that they are few), that I have left the bathroom and nearly bumping into another client.
Not recommended when you only have a small towel covering your never regions.
Or other times that a client enters after and fortunately leaves before me.

If you don't know it already, my pet hate is bumping into, or having to listen to beds squeaking other than mine. A real turn off!!!!

So why not more reviews?

For me I like to review shortly after appointments to ensure details are fresh in my mind.
This helps to decide who to revisit on a later date and hopefully help me remember those I have visited in later years. For me I treasure these encounters.

So what is your reason to review and why do you think others do not review?