Quote Originally Posted by hornylimerick View Post
Why not give ppl the opportunity to to object to posts they are offended by instead of simply deleting them "just in case"!

I mean leave ppl to speak for themselves instead if speaking for them. I hate when ppl feel as if it's their duty to speak for others, just the way your speaking for Jackie now... Why do ppl feel the need to speak for others??

I've lost a loved one on the roads, this doesn't mean I take offence at ppl talking about driving fast, ppl are entitled to their opinions and views after all..... I'm sure if Jackie voiced her distaste for the thread ppl would have both agreed and disagreed, which could have led to some interesting comments instead of keeping issues under the rug.

Thing that upset ppl should be talked about, that's how peoples opinions get changed, no discussion means that peoples views generally stay the same as do their actions
someone did voice their disapproval of the thread and pointed out it was promoting something that was an illegal activity