Quote Originally Posted by Mr White View Post
First option is this. You send me a personal message that's very random and hard for anyone to guess. I call you on the number you have listed, with my caller id on and tell you word for word what was said in the personal message. Not the most bullet proof methed, granted.

The second option is that you both tell me who you think I am, pressumably Danny. The you send me a list of the escorts he has been with ( no piss taking). If I see one I like I might visit them, making sure to send them a message through the site, so they know who I am. They would then confirm after the appointment that I am not the perosn you think I am.

Long winded I know, but if you're really that sure and bothered about my identity, there you go.

Have you been drinking? If you are a Troll thats giving you wayyyyyyy more attention than you need. Besides, we like guessing

I am more inclined toward Iashaf right now. Or maybe KK, but he couldn't punctuate.