OK here goes. Her name is YOKO, she is from Japan & in 11yrs she is my worst punting experience to date.
A kip of a city centre appartment. No light in bathroom. No shower, she said there was no hot water. €160 for 1/2 hr paid. No heat in the kip, cold ! NO OWO, CIM,GFE or practically any other service as advertised. Wouldn't touch the "old fella" with her hands, only when covered. She tried desperately to get to the finishing line manually before I could sample the main event. I insisted however & she allowed only the top of my man in, holding desperately onto the rest with her hand to avoid full penetration. I gave up on that & asked her to finish the job manually, so I could get the hell out of there. I took off the cover & she refused to touch himself, only when covered ! So, I then had the most expensive wank I'll ever have while she oooood & awed in what she must have thought was a sexy way. She then wanted me out ASAP. I insisted on washing my hands & having a pee which irritated her terribly. She stood at the open bathroom door (no light) frustratedly & grudgingly went & got me soap. What a Jip ! She so obviously doesn't like this work I wonder why she bothers. I know the answer too ... €€€€€. Just be warned, I have had bad ones before but she takes the biscuit.
Her profile is on this site under this name .............. AVOID !!!!!!!!!!!!