Quote Originally Posted by Cable87 View Post
Well as for me, I've been on for more than 4 years now, though my number of posts may reflect the fact that I don't spend large amounts of time posting on the forum. I probably had less than a dozen posts in my first year here, and I honestly avoided posting (though I was a prolific reader of the posts/forum) as there were quite a few bullies and trolls back in the old days, before there were mods. I'd picked up the posting right around the time when mods came in, and a few of the old bullies of legend were banned.

I suppose I've also mostly restricted myself to posting when I have something on my mind, or when I feel I have something relevant to add to a conversation. I'll also post occasionally on the odd 'Congrats' thread, but not always.

For me, I think the biggest thing that has keet me from getting put off and quitting the site is AVOIDING ARGUMENTS; I often try to read through a topic/issue that's under heated debate to understand the argument, but do my absolute best to NOT GET INVOLVED. I keep my opinions on all that stuff to myself, and that way you don't make any enemies. I'd probably disappear from posting very quickly as well if I had people jumping all over anything/everything I said on any topic, just because they're upset with me about something else I did/said about another issue.

So my advice? Keep it civil, avoid arguments as best you can, or at least keep it from getting personal if a difference of opinion does arise. Show respect for the others on the site, and most of them will show you the same respect back.
I agree to a point. I keep it civil, but still it is obvious that many topics are taboo here. Fitting in doesn't make for a interesting or balanced debate. Why can we not have both?