Quote Originally Posted by Monkeynut View Post
... and I applaud the longer established members who are trying to keep the place sane. There are things being said that are childish, intimidating, insulting and stupid and this is spoiling the 'harmless fluffyness' that was once the E-I boards. There are a few posters who are simply intent on wrecking the place with their 'keyboard bravery' of late and I think its a shame. Behind this forum there are people who have to earn a living from its contents and if the nonsense that is current is allowed to take over then E-I is on a slippery slope.

If you post here simply to cause trouble then just fuck off and go join Fianna Fail. You will be welcome there amongst the country's biggest assholes.

Thank you.
quite right monkeynut ,well said .; doc;