This poll is not good on three grounds:

1) The options are not listed in an obvious order (alphabetical would be good) which makes me suspect that the first options are the ones favored by the OP.

2) There is no "other" option.

3) There is bias in the question shown by the use of a derogatory term by one option.

Any poll results are thus also meaningless. If I was a cynic, I'd suggest that the OP works as a pollster and knows how to frame a poll to get the desired results.

But, on the subject of favored mouthwash. I like the Boots own brand as you can get it in very small (punt size) bottles. I can take one with me to a punt and open it and use it there. At the start of a punt, I share a shower with the lady and after the shower, I open the sealed bottle and use it myself. The escort has the option of using her mouthwash if she wishes or using mine as well. The fact that the bottle was clearly sealed is an assurance that I am not trying anything dodgy.