Hey all
Just wondering has anyone else had the same issues as me when changing city , I came to Dublin with a few mates a few years back I'm still young only 25 but for the last year Ive been on my own up here as my friends have lost jobs finished studying etc etc , these days I fear I'm becoming more and more reclusive in Dublin , with work as my only social outing and they are mainly a much older crowd during the day and i cant admit the truth there just changed jobs and it would make me a embarrassing so instead i regal them with stories of the weekend which generally as truly past experiences but any one know the best way to adapt to a new environment such as this I'm afraid the longer i leave it go the more of an outsider/ observer i become the harder it will be go to go back .

To add to it I can no longer play sports did my knee and back playing sport a few years back and had to give it up . Id love to get out there again and try to make new friends but i dint even know where to begin
