Quote Originally Posted by Paddii View Post
I've just had some minor surgery done on my face to remove some debris from a previous incident, and don't look to pretty at the mo, but it's given me some ideas for all of u who love pain. I don't do pain, it's simply too sore and I don't like that! Now in my wee short life I've been blown up, beaten up, been in road traffic accidents, but I've never experienced pain like that of having a wee tiny needle inserted in my lip just under the nose. There must be about a million of the most sensitive nerve endings concentrated in that tiny space! Forget waterboarding, George Bush, forget nippleclamping or any other of that stuff, Doms, I've found the perfect torture technique!

AHHH STOP.. your descriptive too well written post has made me ,you know ahh suck in air clench my teeth ..jeeze ,no