I'm not suggesting that escorts aren't real women, but I'm just wondering if punting effects your expectations, sexually or otherwise of women you may meet socially???

Nope wouldnt effect me in the slightest. The answer will be at the end.

Do you expect women you hope to meet socially to be the beautiful godesses we see here every day???

Maybe ,maybe not. Never gave it any thought.

Do you expect them to be as sexual as the women you may have met here???

As sexual maybe. as experienced nope but see the end again.

Do you find yourself making comparisons???

Nope anymore than if i make comparisons between a new gf and an old one.

It all boils down to chemistry. When you might someone you click with, you dont see or think about these other things. Also if its an escort you meet socially you dont see the escort bit to be honest. You just see a woman the same as everyone else. It all boils down to chemistry.
