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Thread: Al Fresco

  1. #1

    Cop Al Fresco

    Today is a bit mild............... I am thinking of spring. I love to get a good outdoor shag at least once a year. Any escorts like this sort of thing or provide ir???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hard to beat the great outdoors for a little action. Haven't done it in the wild in ages. I got caught a few times, once by a friend of the family. That was a little uncomfortable when they called in for tea a week after.

    Not sure how many escorts would offer the service though, it's a little risky. Most escorts operate in an apartment and I can imagine how the phonecall would go -

    Punter: "So this outcall we have arranged... it's gonna be deep in the woods where nobody will see us. Excited yet?"

    *phone goes dead*

    Punter: "Hello... yellllllo?!"

    Unless said escort had, I dunno... a top floor balcany or somethin' then you might be in luck.

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