Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
Ha … I see you have met Lucy Lu.

She will entertain you, amuse you and bewilder you and before you know it, she will change tack and start to woo you, entice you, beguile you and lure you, up to a point that you find you gotta meet this babe. Then you find yourself checking to see when she is in your home town and you plan to meet her. So you meet her and she seduces you, caresses you, kisses you and …does other things to you. Now you leave her boudoir and you can’t get her out of your head… so you start posting here and the toing and froing of PMs start. Before you know it you are hooked to this site with a daily post average of 100 a day. Eventually you get bored with the site and to top it all you find Lucy Lu has found a new Newbie and you feel despair and consider the Samaritans because you have suicidal tendencies and…..…..

Hi I’m James….welcome aboard…Muah ha ha ha ha
Er. Gosh, with an intro like that, who needs me?

Hi Fun. It is so nice to meet you. Take absolutely no notice of James, he is teasing. Have fun on the boards.